Der Schaum der Tage

Bewertung durch User6683  - 
Durchschnittliche Bewertung 35%
Anzahl der Bewertungen 2

Forumseintrag zu „Der Schaum der Tage“ von User6683

User6683 (06.11.2013 15:59)
mood indigo...
if I not were a fan of Audrey Tautou and were not utterly blown away by the
incredible visual hilarity of Michel Gondry, I would call this a depressing
sequel to 'Amelie' and/or the death that marriage entails...
while the two ladies behind me (this with the two guys in front making it all of five viewers...) had no love or understanding for the not
so hidden messages, nor the crazy concepts so masterly rendered (running
cockroach doorbells anyone? or male human warmth growing weaponry??)
I for my part am having the fondness for this movie increase the more I think about it
- thing is, the images keep coming back... images of supernatural ingenuity...
now, love however (not for, but in this movie) I do think to be a different thing
'Amelie' being closer to it than 'Mood Indigo' - too much matter turning the
mood indigo... or better yet, seeking the essence through matter may be the
wrong approach... as in: the essence, the love, life(!) has to be first...

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