
Bewertung durch Hexamin  95% 
Durchschnittliche Bewertung 82%
Anzahl der Bewertungen 65

Forumseintrag zu „Avatar“ von Hexamin

Hexamin (13.01.2010 23:27) Bewertung
Thank you for smoking
Nick Naylor:
Now, what we need is a smoking role model, a real winner.

Jeff Megall:
Indiana Jones meets Jerry Maguire.

Nick Naylor:
Right, on two packs a day.

Jeff Megall:
Only he can't live in contemporary society.

Nick Naylor:
Why not?

Jeff Megall:
The health issue's way too prevalent. People would constantly be asking the character
why he's smoking - and that should go unsaid.

Jeff Megall:
How doyou feel about the future?.

Nick Naylor:
The future?

Jeff Megall:
Yeah, after the health thing's blown over. A world where smokers and nonsmokers Iive together in perfect harmony. Sony has a futuristic sci-fi movie they're looking to make. Message From SectorSix. All takes place in a space station. It's the final frontier, Nick.

Nick Naylor:
But wouldn't they blow up in an all-oxygen environment?

Jeff Megall:
Probably. But it's an easy fix - one line of dialogue: „Thank God we invented the...“ you know, whatever device.

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