Sueño y silencio - Träumen und Schweigen

Bewertung durch User6683  - 
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Forumseintrag zu „Sueño y silencio - Träumen und Schweigen“ von User6683

User6683 (05.10.2013 01:57)
void of...
beautifully void of color, gray scales galore...
not so beautifully void of emotion as well as music
two glimpses of color towards the end and very end,
interrupting the ever expanding vastness of shades of grey, the very not only bordering on emotional unavailability, no, the latter increasingly the goal;
and the slow-paced ever-ongoing strides of handheld camera on the rise...
thing is, it gets tedious and yes, boring, and it unfortunately does not make sense nor does it pan out - life never returns, and, in hindsight, life did not
even really leave, because it was never there to begin with - it could actually be called observations on a comatose male adult who had lost his self a long time ago...

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