The Da Vinci Code

Bewertung durch AwfulConjuror  100% 
Durchschnittliche Bewertung 64%
Anzahl der Bewertungen 155

Forumseintrag zu „The Da Vinci Code“ von AwfulConjuror

AwfulConjuror (24.05.2006 11:54) Bewertung
Literaturverfilmung... it's difficult. And especially for a book that has sold over 40 million copies. I mean, EVERYBODY'S read the Da Vinci Code. Everyone has their own conceptions, ideas, values. Everyone expects Robert Langdon to look differently. Everyone expects the director to include some key feature, which will be considered "not as important" by somebody else.

Which is why I was so reluctant to see the Da Vinci Code.

Having seen it, though, I am amazed that the film has been given such bad reviews. It contained enough material to keep the plot gripping, spannend, exciting, and clear. It didn't get "bogged down" by unnecessary details.

Of course, I'm pretty sure that the church exercised its powers to make sure this film was given such damning reviews. They're naturally scared that the film will do a disservice to the Establishment. And with good reason.

I've studied both Film Studies and the History of the Grail for 4 years at university. As well as symbology.

I really can'T reccommend this film enough!


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